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Prayers: Prayer of Jesus


O call of good in all things, reigning for ever and ever:

Hallowed be your name.

The will of the future, the world to come, the liberty all seek for rights and responsibilities together in their fullness:

Thy kingdom come.

Our opposition to poverty, our siding with the suffering, the need for full stomachs and a meaningful life of creativity:

Give ourselves this day our daily bread.

We were born weak and remain easily able to do what is wrong, easily able to produce impatience and wrongful temper:

Let us avoid trial, temptation and evil.

Let us instead build our ideals and rise to the highest we know, the highest we can, and shine a torch of human potential and worth:

For the Kingdom, power and glory are there for all.


Father, thy name be hallowed,
Thy kingdom come.
Give us each day our daily bread.
And forgive us our sins,
For we too forgive all who have done us wrong.
And do not bring us to the test. Amen.

(New English Bible, Luke, Ch. 11, vv. 2-4)


Father, thy name be hallowed,

Thy kingdom come.

Give us each day our daily bread.

And forgive us our sins,

For we too forgive all who have done us wrong.

And do not bring us to the test. Amen.

(New English Bible, Luke, Ch. 11, vv. 2-4)


O Birth giver! Father-Mother of the Cosmos

Direct the light to us

And clear the space inside for the Holy Name to live -

So that it may reign and do its work.

We desire the heavenly light and love as our earthly reality

Grant our life and soul and our bodily food for fulfilment.

Restore the unburdened state by removing all binds and debts:

As we do.

Free us from delusions and inappropriate actions that hold us back

There is, we know, the fertile abundance, the ability and the energy from time to time of Holy earthly renewal.

May these words truly be the basis of actions:

This is our oath.

(Own version derived from Klotz, N. D. (1990), Prayers of the Cosmos: Meditations on the Aramaic Words of Jesus, HarperSanFrancisco, 10-14.


Agon Taze nye, eze en Neve,
Benegas bo tha Hanow.
Tha Gwlaskath gwrenz doaz;
Tha Voth bo gwreze,
En Noer pecarra en Neve.
Ro tha nye an journama gon bara pub death,
Ha gave tha nye gon pehasow
Pecarra tel era nye gava angye
Neb eze peha war agon bidn.
Ha na raze gon lewa en antall,
Buz gweeth nye thurt droeg
Rag an Gwlaskath Che a beaw,
Han Nearth, han Worrians,
Rag nevra venitha.
Andelna ra bo.

Lord's Prayer in Cornish, as given at A Celebration of the Bible in Cornwall, Truro Cathedral, November 28th 2004 2:30 pm


1 Un diwrnod roedd Iesu'n gweddïo mewn lle arbennig. Pan oedd wedi gorffen, dyma un o'i ddisgyblion yn gofyn iddo, 'Arglwydd, dysgodd Ioan ei ddisgyblion i weddïo, felly dysga di ni.'
2 Dywedodd wrthyn nhw, 'Wrth weddïo dwedwch fel hyn:
  dyn ni eisiau i dy enw di gael ei anrhydeddu.
  Dyn ni eisiau i ti ddod i deyrnasu.
3 Rho i ni ddigon o fwyd i'n cadw ni'n fyw bob dydd.
4 Maddau ein pechodau i ni – oherwydd dyn ni'n maddau i'r rhai sy'n pechu yn ein herbyn ni. Cadw ni rhag syrthio pan fyddwn ni'n cael ein profi.

Luke, 11:1-4, In Welsh


Fæder ure þu þe eart on heofonum;
Si þin nama gehalgod
to becume þin rice
gewurþe ðin willa
on eorðan swa swa on heofonum.
urne gedæghwamlican hlaf syle us todæg
and forgyf us ure gyltas
swa swa we forgyfað urum gyltendum
and ne gelæd þu us on costnunge
ac alys us of yfele soþlice

Liuzza, R. M. (ed.) (1994), The Old English Version of the Gospels, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 140 [WSCp], Early English Text Society, 304, Oxford: Oxford University Press.