Unitarian Hymns Available

Hymn book codes designated by the number of verses Details: Organ only is the default and not stated.

  • 'alt' means a different instrumentation than organ or piano, perhaps beginning as a computer MIDI or other sound extraction
  • 'av' means available but not yet processed: it would take minutes to do. There is NO TUNE NAME GIVEN in these circumstances
  • 'basic' means a simple repetitive tune accompaniment, usually processed regarding tempo and pitch and perhaps like alt
  • 'Barton' means the words are sung by the choir at St Mary's Barton-upon-Humber (with odd word/s different)
  • 'choir' means the words are sung
  • '(damaged)' means the CD track jumped and has been recovered for singing but shows some signs of having undergone recovery
  • 'extra' means there needs to be direction to sing a verse or part again
  • 'fades' means tune introduced with a note to start and at the end a softened extended note
  • 'faster' indicates where editing has raised tempo and pitch
  • 'help' means that the hymn is accompanied by assistance, say by singing a verse before it begins
  • 'Penn' means played by former organist Marie Penn prior to retirement
  • 'piano' means piano instead of organ
  • 'process' means extensive music editing
  • 'slower' indicates where editing has reduced tempo and pitch (an alternative - otherwise not shown)
  • 'solo' means the words are sung by a soloist (with odd word/s different)
  • 'tape' means the origin is a cassette tape and involved extensive music editing by default
  • 'write' means a transcribed and created by me music score and sound file using MuseScore; whilst MuseScore generates several instrumental sounds the same organ default is assumed
HL Hymns for Living
  • The main hymn book
  • The intention is to build the contents to cover as many hymns as possible with intended or singable tunes, so this list keeps changing. A Hymn number given a tune means that the number of verses is correct.
  • Consultation from service takers about what is sung is appreciated.
SF Sing Your Faith
  • The main supplement
  • This could become the main book depending on use.
  • Use of av in the case of this book usually but not always means choir accompaniment. The church now has copies and service providers no longer need to provide print-outs.
  • A high number of tunes in it are difficult to source. However, given a number of days advance notice these can be composed, made and turned into played music using MuseScore.
HW Hymns of Worship
  • This book has been discarded and is redundant.
  • I have kept a copy.
  • These files exist for editing and use with other hymn books.
  • Therefore the files are unspecified regarding hymn numbers.
  • Lord's Prayer music is included here.
CC Hull Unitarian Church Christmas Carols
  • This book is the white one.
  • It replaces the yellow book.
  • The words in this book are changed for Unitarian use.
Note that the Hull Unitarian Church does not keep copies of Hymns of Faith and Freedom although hymns may be created (see HF) when service takers bring the words. There is one copy, but it contains no music, and there is one of UUA, Singing the Living Tradition, Boston: Beacon Press (see LT), that does contain music.
Hymns are kept as uncompressed .WAV files by default on computer, and as files on data (.WAV) and audio CDs (.CDA). Although these listed hymns are available, with tune names as given, music composing and sound editing software exists to match verses and available tunes to any hymn numbers and texts. Thus, with very rare exceptions, and with enough notice, a file can be created to match a hymn number with a suitable tune.
My composing abilities are limited to copying and then adjusting according to how a music output sounds. I enclose two examples of music composition: they are not perfect, as I am still learning, and some symbols are missing. One is  For You Shall Go Out  with added text below the score and the other is  Judas and Mary  (the core tune - the scores were turned into verses 1, 2/ 3, and 4 and joined from separate .WAV files) and these are in .XML format, that development from HTML with designer tags that now has such widespread use in such as word processing, spreadsheets, and PDF file writing overlays. Thus these files are read by virtually all music composing software, their application determined not by the .XML extension but by the initial coding in the header. If you view the files you will need to add
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC "-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 2.0 Partwise//EN" "http://www.musicxml.org/dtds/partwise.dtd">

above the displayed text (copy all then paste into a text editor, then add the above on top and save with the .XML extension) to make them active in music composing software. A simpler way is to right click on the links above and choose Save Link As in the drop-down menu and thus save the whole file to the computer.

HL 001 Little Cornard
HL 002 Werde Munter
HL 003 St Theodulph choir
HL 003 St Theodulph piano
HL 003 St Theodulph
HL 004 Old 124th
HL 005 Rodmell
HL 006 O Fillii et Filliae
HL 007 Ombersley choir
HL 007 Ombersley piano
HL 007 Ombersley
HL 008 Winchester New
HL 009 Golden Wheat choir
HL 009 Golden Wheat
HL 010 Angels Song
HL 011 All for Jesus
HL 012 Farley Castle
HL 012 Penitentia
HL 012 Toulon piano
HL 012 Toulon
HL 013 Song 1
HL 013 Yorkshire alt
HL 013 Yorkshire piano
HL 013 Yorkshire
HL 014 Englands Lane
HL 015 Old 120th choir process
HL 015 Old 120th
HL 016 St Bavon
HL 017 Kremser choir process
HL 017 Kremser
HL 018 Kremser
HL 019 Nun Danket solo
HL 019 Nun Danket
HL 020 Wentworth piano
HL 020 Wentworth
HL 021 Gwalchmai
HL 022 Salzburg-Hintze
HL 023 Stabat Mater
HL 024 Monkland
HL 025 Mainzer
HL 026 St Agnes Durham choir process
HL 026 St Agnes Dykes
HL 027 Christus Der Ist Mein Leben
HL 028 Gauntlett choir tape
HL 028 Paderborn
HL 029 St Clement
HL 030 Bishopthorpe
HL 031 Mainzer
HL 032 Kum Ba Yah
HL 033 Foundation piano
HL 033 Foundation
HL 034 Darmstadt
HL 035 Vienna choir tape
HL 035 Vienna choir tapes
HL 036 Abridge alt
HL 036 Abridge
HL 037 Duke Street choir
HL 038 Erfyniad alt 01
HL 038 Erfyniad alt 02
HL 038 Eventide piano
HL 039 O Grosser Gott
HL 040 Cross of Jesus faster higher
HL 040 Cross of Jesus
HL 040 Sharon
HL 041 Pevensey
HL 041 Pevensey
HL 042 Cruger choir tape
HL 043 Mati Sveta choir process
HL 044 Posen
HL 045 Down Ampney Barton
HL 045 Down Ampney choir process
HL 045 Down Ampney piano basic
HL 046 Carlisle choir process
HL 047 Stracathro
HL 048 Birmingham
HL 048 Cliff Town
HL 048 Parting
HL 049 Truro
HL 050 Melcombe
HL 051 Stuttgart piano
HL 051 Stuttgart
HL 052 choir tape
HL 053 Rimington
HL 053 Saxby piano
HL 053 Tallis Canon
HL 054 The Call
HL 054 The Pleyels
HL 055 Horsley alt
HL 055 Horsley piano
HL 055 Horsley
HL 056 Morning Star
HL 056 Strength and Stay
HL 057 Sandys
HL 058 Caithness
HL 059 Love Divine
HL 059 Stuttgart piano slower
HL 059 Stuttgart
HL 060 Beatitudo choir
HL 061 St Cecilia
HL 062 London New
HL 063 Buckland
HL 064 Old Hundredth choir
HL 065 St Anne
HL 066 Crimond 01
HL 066 Crimond 02
HL 066 Crimond choir
HL 066 Crimond piano 01
HL 066 Crimond piano 02
HL 066 Crimond piano choir
HL 067 Llef
HL 068 St Columba choir
HL 069 Leoni choir
HL 070 Hanover organ 01
HL 070 Hanover organ 02
HL 070 Hanover piano
HL 071 Lobe Den Herren choir tape
HL 071 Lobe Den Herren F
HL 071 Lobe Den Herren G
HL 071 Lobe Den Herren piano organ
HL 072 Luckington choir process
HL 073 Ein Feste Burg Piano Organ
HL 073 Ein Feste Burg
HL 074 Ein Feste Burg Piano Organ
HL 074 Ein Feste Burg
HL 075 Austria
HL 076 St Denio choir process
HL 077 Dominus Regit Me Penn fades
Hl 077 Dominus Regit Me piano
HL 077 Dominus Regit Me
HL 078 Evelyns choir tape intro
HL 079 Sine Nomine
HL 087 Cranham piano
HL 087 Cranham
HL 101 Repton choir process
HL 106 Victory
HL 113 Truro choir
HL 117 Beethoven F
HL 117 Beethoven piano
HL 117 Beethoven slower
HL 118 All Loves Excelling
HL 118 Blaenwern
HL 120 University College
HL 123 Dominica choir process
HL 125 Gerontius choir process
HL 126 Stenka Razin choir
HL 127 Woodlands choir tape
HL 129 Far Off Lands choir tape
HL 132 Spanish Hymn choir
HL 133 Singing choir tape
HL 134 Mit Freuden Zart choir tape
HL 134 Mit Freuden Zart
HL 135 Nicaea choir process
HL 135 Nicea alt
HL 135 Nicea
HL 137 Penlan piano
HL 137 Penlan
HL 141 Alstone
HL 143 Die Gedanken Sind Frei choir
HL 144 Wolvercote
HL 148 Nun Danket All choir
HL 150 Monksgate choir process
HL 151 Slane choir
HL 151 Slane
HL 153 Wynnstay write alt
HL 154 Strength and Stay choir tape
HL 155 Herongate choir
HL 155 Herongate process
HL 156 Rimington
HL 157 Belmont
HL 162 Angels Song
HL 162 Hereford
HL 163 Russia
HL 167 Aberystwyth alt
HL 168 Blaenwern alt
HL 168 Ebenezer piano
HL 168 Ebenezer
HL 168 Lux Eoi piano
HL 172 Westminster choir tape
HL 172 Westminster
HL 173 Petersham
HL 174 Lancaster choir process
HL 176 Come Together choir
HL 177 Amazing Grace Piano
HL 177 Amazing Grace
HL 178 Sweet Hour
HL 179 Belmont
HL 184 Cromer choir
HL 184 Cromer process
HL 184 Cromer
HL 187 Lux Eoi piano
HL 187 Lux Eoi
HL 188 Love Unknown choir
HL 189 O Waly Waly choir tape
HL 191 Londonderry Air choir process
HL 191 Londonderry Air
HL 192 O Perfect Love choir process
HL 192 O Perfect Love piano
HL 192 O Perfect Love
HL 194 Angels Song
HL 194 Hereford
HL 195 Ellacombe
HL 196 Birmingham
HL 198 Cwm Rhondda choir tape
HL 199 Abbots Leigh alt
HL 199 Abbots Leigh piano
HL 199 Beethoven
HL 199 Calon Lan
HL 200 Epiphany Hymn piano
HL 200 Epiphany Hymn
HL 201 Tomorrow is a Highway write piano
HL 202 Cross of Jesus choir
HL 202 Cross of Jesus piano
HL 202 Cross of Jesus
HL 203 Simeon shower
HL 203 Simeon
HL 204 We Shall Overcome basic
HL 204 We Shall Overcome write alt
HL 208 St Gertrude choir
HL 209 Blaenwern choir
HL 210 Jerusalem choir
HL 211 Lubeck
HL 218 Heaton choir process
HL 219 St Agnes choir
HL 220 Lehr alt 01
HL 220 Lehr alt 02
HL 220 Lehr alt 03
HL 220 Lehr choir
HL 220 notLeytonen choir 02
HL 226 Finlandia 01
HL 226 Finlandia 02
HL 226 Finlandia choir tape
HL 226 Finlandia piano
HL 229 Schmucke Dich choir
HL 230 Old 124th
HL 233 Aurelia
HL 234 Bremen alt
HL 235 Childhood choir
HL 235 Childhood
HL 239 Eintracht choir tape
HL 242 Mountain Christian choir process
HL 244 Water End choir process
HL 246 Shonster Herr Jesu choir
HL 247 Laudate Dominum choir tape
HL 249 Brother James's Air choir process
HL 251 Streets of Laredo choir (damaged)
HL 251 Streets of Laredo process
HL 252 Come Labour On
HL 255 This is Your Land write alt [guitars]
HL 259 Capel
HL 260 Puer Nobis Nascitur
HL 264 Lucerna Laudoniae choir (damaged)
HL 265 Morning Light piano
HL 265 Morning Light
HL 266 Tempus Adest Floridum
HL 267 Ewing choir (damaged)
HL 268 Calon Lan choir (damaged)
HL 269 Wir Pflugen piano
HL 269 Wir Pflugen
HL 272 St George Windsor piano
HL 272 St George Windsor
HL 275 280 Bunessan alt
HL 275 280 Bunessan piano extended
HL 275 280 Bunessan piano slower
HL 275 280 Bunessan piano
HL 275 280 Bunessan
HL 277 Dundee
HL 280 Bunessan choir
HL 281 Thornbury
HL 282 Watchman Dawn choir tape
HL 283 Morning Hymn choir process
HL 285 Tallis Canon piano
HL 285 Tallis Canon
HL 286 Abbots Leigh piano
HL 287 St Clement choir Abbey intro
HL 289 Turn Around HUC 02
HL 289 Turn Around HUC 03
HL 291 Ruth
HL 292 Rockingham alt
HL 292 Rockingham piano
HL 292 Rockingham
HL 297 Veni Emmanuel
HL 298 Corinth piano
HL 298 Corinth
HL 302 St Matthew piano
HL 302 St Matthew
HL 303 St Matthew piano
HL 303 St Matthew
HL 304 Ellers choir tape
HL 307 God Be In My Head Davies
HL 307 God Be In My Head Lytlington
HL 311 Winchester New Penn fades
HL 313 314 315 Tallis Canon piano
HL 313 314 315 Tallis Canon

SF 001 True Religion choir piano
SF 002 Was Gott Thut choir
SF 006 As We Sing of Hope and Joy choir piano
SF 009 Be Thou With Us choir piano
SF 010 Woodland choir
SF 011 Prayer choir
SF 013 Ash Grove choir
SF 013 Ash Grove
SF 014 Westchase choir
SF 015 Servant Song write piano
SF 015 Servant Song write
SF 018 Stenka Razin write alt
SF 021 Lewis Folk Melody choir
SF 022 Westminster Abbey choir
SF 024 A Rose in Winter choir piano
SF 025 Wem in Leidenstagen choir
SF 026 Neander choir
SF 027 Winter Meditation choir
SF 028 Lobt Gott Ihr Christen choir
SF 028 Lobt Gott Ihr Christen write alt
SF 030 Middleton choir
SF 033 Rejoice choir piano
SF 035 Sigismund choir
SF 037 Adelphi choir piano
SF 040 For You Shall Go Out write
SF 041 Bridegroom choir
SF 042 Power of Commitment choir piano
SF 043 Gather the Spirit choir
SF 044 Sine Nomine choir
SF 045 Go in Peace choir piano process
SF 051 Barden choir piano
SF 058 Picardy choir
SF 059 Ave Virgo Virginum choir
SF 060 This Old Man choir piano
SF 062 Old 124th choir
SF 062 Old 124th
SF 063 Au Clair de la Lune piano
SF 063 Au Clair de la Lune
SF 064 Wentworth choir
SF 065 St Stephen choir
SF 065 St Stephen
SF 066 Newfield choir
SF 068 Streets of Laredo choir
SF 070 Mandela choir piano
SF 073 If Every Woman in the World choir piano
SF 075 Duddon choir piano
SF 076 I Saw Three Ships write alt
SF 079 Beethoven choir
SF 080 Judas and Mary write alt
SF 080 Judas and Mary write.mp3
SF 083 Dix piano
SF 083 Dix
SF 083 Nicht So Traurig choir
SF 084 Georgina choir piano
SF 086 Julion choir
SF 087 Corinth choir
SF 088 Masten choir piano
SF 090 Stowey choir
SF 096 Little Cornard choir
SF 102 A Blessing choir piano
SF 104 Name Unnamed choir piano
SF 105 Easter Hymn
SF 106 Many Mansions choir
SF 110 Olicana choir
SF 115 St Cecilia choir
SF 116 Breslau choir
SF 119 Kings Lynn choir
SF 124 One More Step choir piano
SF 125 Southcote choir process
SF 125 Southcote piano
SF 126 Open the Door
SF 128 Chernobyl choir
SF 130 Rodmell choir
SF 131 Grafenburg choir
SF 133 Ryburn choir
SF 136 Boscombe choir
SF 137 Abbots Leigh alt
SF 137 Abbots Leigh piano
SF 137 Calon Lan
SF 139 Tenderness choir
SF 141 St Botolph choir
SF 142 Golden Thread choir piano
SF 145 Ar Hyd y Nos
SF 146 Regent Square choir
SF 147 Leaving of Lismore write
SF 149 Quem Pastores
SF 151 Buddulph choir
SF 155 Tallis Canon choir
SF 158 Morning Light choir
SF 158 Morning Light
SF 165 Walk in the Light choir piano
SF 167 Flying Free choir
SF 171 Something to Say choir piano
SF 172 Donne Secours write alt
SF 172 Donne Secours
SF 173 Distant Beloved choir
SF 174 Melcombe
SF 175 Brother Jamess Air choir
SF 177 Church Triumphant choir
SF 178 St Fulbert choir
SF 179 Tenderness choir
SF 181 Toby choir
SF 186 Ascension choir
SF 188 To God be the Glory choir
SF 189 Christus der ist Mein Leben choir
SF 191 Woodlands choir
SF 193 Credo choir piano
SF 194 Beamsley choir
SF 195 Sursum Corda choir
SF 197 Horsley piano
SF 198 Creation of Peace choir piano
SF 199 Noel Nouvelet choir
SF 201 Diademata choir
SF 202 Herongate choir
SF 204 Ethical Relations choir piano
SF 208 Holy Place choir piano
SF 211 Portent choir piano
SF 213 St Peter choir
SF 215 Szekely Aldas choir piano process
SF 216 Schmucke Dich choir
SF 217 Hebden choir piano
SF 218 Machs Mit Mir Gott choir
SF 218 Veni Emmanuel
SF 219 Wharfedale choir piano
SF 220 Pacem Cordium
SF 225 Flaming Chalice alt 01
SF 225 Flaming Chalice alt 02
SF 225 Flaming Chalice alt 03
SF 226 From You I Receive choir

HW Dominus Regit Me Penn
HW Ellacombe Penn fades
HW Ellacombe Penn
HW Lux Penn fades
HW Lux Penn
HW Melcombe Penn fades
HW Melcolmbe Penn
HW Missionary Penn fades
HW Missionary Penn
HW Morning Hymn Penn fades
HW Morning Hymn Penn
HW Rivaulx Penn fades
HW Rivaulx Penn
HW Vienna Penn fades
HW Vienna Penn
HW Winchester New Penn fades
HW Winchester New Penn

Lords Prayer Penn Piano
Lords Prayer Penn

CC 013 Cranham
CC 013 Cranham piano
CC 013 Darke alt 01
CC 013 Darke alt 02
CC 014 Noel
CC 016 Antioch
CC 021 Tannenbaum
CC 023 Forest Green
CC 029 Stille Nacht
CC 034 Kings of Orient piano
CC 034 Kings of Orient
CC 036 Winchester Old

HF 105 Quem Pastores

LT 060 In Time of Silver Rain write alt [unsingable?]


Adrian Worsfold

Pluralist - Liberal and Thoughtful